Monday 6 May 2013

Diary of a Grace - Sarra Manning

Pages: 64
Publisher: Hachette Digital
Release Date: 30th April 2013
Edition: e-novella, bought

Other YA Titles by this Author: Guitar Girl, French Kiss, Kiss and Make Up, Sealed With a Kiss, Pretty Things, Let’s Get Lost, Fashionistas: Laura, Hadley, Irina, Candy, Nobody’s Girl, Adorkable

Grace is in love with pink guitars, Harry Styles, dark-chocolate Tunnock’s teacakes, Audrey Hepburn and a boy called Jack (well, maybe not quite in love...)

Whether you’ve read Sarra Manning’s  acclaimed Diary of a Crush series or not, you’ll fall for Grace as – on Edie’s advice – she writes a diary of her own to deal with all the confusing awkward situations she finds herself in.

Diary of a Crush  is one of my favourite series’ ever, if not my very favourite, so as soon as Diary of a Grace was announced I pre-ordered it.

I was desperate to be thrown back in to this world and catch up with the characters. It was so nice to read about Grace as she was in a bit of a state most of the times we caught up with her in DoaC. Turns out, not much had changed! This girl had some serious boy confusion going on!

I was a bit surprised when a gorgeous, moody boy called Toph popped up. Toph was the American boy masterpiece in Sarra’s Nobody’s Girl and I initially thought it was him in his first incarnation! There’s a whole stream of me arguing with myself about this in my notes about this story, but then I eventually realised that I was an idiot and Bea’s Toph is American and the timelines wouldn’t fit! I quickly fell in love with this Toph and was internally demanding him and Grace kiss while I was reading! I was so happy when they did.

With every mention and appearance of Edie and Dylan I got a wave of affectionate nostalgia and I was worryingly happy to see them still together and in love, even with Edie in London and Dylan still in Manchester. My love for this couple is unwavering and even though I was certain with the ending of DoaC that they’d be together forever, now I’m even surer and no one will be able to convince me otherwise!

I’d recommend this to both die-hard fans of Sarra Manning, Diary of a Crush and those who are eagerly awaiting the re-issues. Go and read it!



  1. I really need to read this series! It sounds so cute!

  2. Another Toph?! I must read this now! I'm hoping to read DoaC soon. Really glad you liked this, Sophie! :)

  3. This sounds great, I've actually never read anything by Sara Manning! Must change that soon ;)


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