Wednesday 8 September 2010

The Wings of Leo Spencer - Jerome Parisse

The Wings of Leo Spencer - Jerome Parisse

Pages: 266
Publisher: Sid Harta Publishers
Release Date: 1st May 2010

Fourteen year old Leo has found the most amazing present for his mum’s birthday. Unfortunately, someone has decided that he will not live to see it…

As he dies, Leo finds himself facing a terrifying choice, one that will impact his life - or death - forever.

But who wanted him dead in the first place? And why is he being targeted by an evil force? Even Geraldine - dead and loving every minute of it - has no clue as to what’s happening.

Leo’s search for the truth takes him to the most astonishing places, and presents him with a challenge even greater than dying: to protect his family and his best friend from a terrible fate…

But how do you do that if you can make no impression on the material world?

The Wings of Leo Spencer is a touching and warm-hearted tale of love, family and friendship.

Jerome Parisse presents the afterlife in a way that I haven’t come across in YA before. It’s a fully fledged Heaven with a tunnel of white light, a test and a judgement. And there are angels. Five hierarchies of angels, in fact, each with a different job, standing and level of Heaven, marked by the colour of their wing tips. I really would have loved to learn more about them, actually. Especially the fallen angels, the Grigori, which were only touched upon briefly and also the idea of reincarnation.

But it is Leo’s reaction to his death and entry into Heaven that really struck me. At first he maintained a steadfast that he was dead. It was so heartbreaking to watch him try to get through to his family and best friend and try to save them even though it seemed impossible. His determination to protect them at all costs was admirable and displayed a level of loyalty to his family that’s rare.

The Wings of Leo Spencer is a subtle and unassuming novel that’ll work it’s way into your heart.

For my 2010 Debut Author Challenge, 2010 100+ Reading Challenge



  1. This is the first I have heard about this novel and based on the summary and your review it sounds amazing. I am definitely going to be looking for this book as I love the theme of family loyalty. Thanks.

  2. Lovely review, Sophie. There's a lot of books around about the afterlife but surprisingly few of them actually include this kind of Heaven. Sounds interesting.


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