Monday 4 January 2010

My Totally Secret Diary - Dee Shulman

My Totally Secret Diary: Reality TV Nightmare - Dee Shulman

Pages: 128
Publisher: Doubleday
Release Date: 4th February 2010

Other Titles in the Series: On Stage in America

If you happen to pick up this books - PLEASE don’t show it to anybody. It is totally PRIVATE. And quite disheartening.

It tells the tragical story of a helpless innocent person (me) trying to live an ordinary private life with a very DIFFICULT mother.

But how can you live an ordinary private life if your difficult mother invites a TV crew to come film in your house???

How are you supposed to keep that a secret from everyone at school???!

My Totally Secret Diary: Reality TV Nightmare is the second graphic novel-style diary of 11-year-old Polly.

I really loved the format of Reality TV Nightmare. The diary entries were interspersed will full colour doodles, photographs of Polly’s friends and pictures from her magazines. Even her writing had spelling mistakes and crossings out. A completely authentic tween diary.

I felt so sorry for poor Polly, though. The eccentric and really annoying Vanilla, yep, Vanilla, and Polly’s selfish, self-centred Mum made Polly’s life a misery. I don’t think I would have lasted as long as she did without snapping!

This is a short, sweet and very funny diary perfect for young teen or tween girls. Pure fun!



  1. Books sounds absolutely cute.. Ya , a tween would very much enjoy this one.Nice review

  2. Aww the cover is adorable!!! Great Review :)

  3. It sounds like a really fun book - I love diary style ones. :)

  4. Oh, this sounds wonderful! I want to read it. Thanks for the review!

  5. Love the cover. I am glad that you like it!

  6. I'm usually not a fan of diary formats but you make is sound like such fun!

  7. The cover looks like that show, Charlie and Lola...

  8. Very good book!

  9. I luv ya books so much
    xx im jus so instested in ur books

  10. I've read the first Polly Price book! Amazing!! I want to read the second one now!! :)


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