Tuesday 24 August 2010

Glee: The Beginning - Sophia Lowell

Glee: The Beginning - Sophia Lowell

Pages: 218
Publisher: Headline
Release Date: 5th August 2010

All great performances deserve a warm-up!

Enroll early at McKinley High to discover what went on before New Directions was even a glimmer in Mr Schuester’s eye. When did Rachel first decide Finn was more than just a jock? When did Puck and Quinn start their secret romance? And how did the fledgling Glee Club function without a fearless leader? Hint: It wasn’t exactly a perfect melody.

Break out the gold stars and refill the slushies: It’s time to find out what happened to all your favourite characters before the show-mance began.

As a huge fan of the TV show Glee, I was very excited when I was given the chance to read and review Glee: The Beginning.

It was obvious reading Glee: The Beginning that Sophia Lowell really knows her Glee. Every element of the characters was spot on: voice, personality, dialogue and actions. It was so much fun to get into the heads of Puck, Kurt, Quinn, Rachel, Mercedes, Finn, Artie and Tina who I’ve grown to love over the series. I was a little disappointed that Mr Schu didn’t get much face time, though. I love Mr Schu!

Glee: The Beginning worked brilliantly as a prequel as lots of both major and minor plotlines from the show were introduced. From Finn and Quinn’s doomed romance to Mercedes’ crush on Kurt and Finn’s pull towards the Glee Club to Quinn and Puck’s escalating flirtation. I turned the last page desperate to watch the whole season again and hope that season two is on our screens soon.

Sophia Lowell has written a quick, fun and easy to read novel that Glee fans will lap up.

For my 2010 Debut Author Challenge, 2010 100+ Reading Challenge



  1. I love Glee! I didn't even know they had written a prequel book - I'll be checking this one out. :-)

  2. Fab review! I really can't wait to get my hands on this - hopefully sooner rather than later as I adore Glee!


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