Friday 26 February 2010

Signing Report: Richelle Mead

Last Friday I went up to Harrods to meet Richelle Mead where she was doing a stock signing during her week-long UK tour.

Luckily I got there early so there weren’t many people in the queue and she was able to personalise one of my books and sign her name in the other five.

Unfortunately I forgot my camera so I couldn’t take any photos, and it didn’t occur to me to use my phone. I know, stupid, right?

While Richelle was signing my books I asked her how many more books there are going to be in the Vampire Academy series. This is what she told me:

- After Spirit Bound, there’ll be one more book starring Rose.
- Then there is going to be a spin-off series of another six books.
- Richelle is keeping the main star a secret as she doesn’t want to give away who lives and who dies! I was panicked after she said that!
- She did give away that one of the characters will be Sidney who made her first appearance in Blood Promise.

After meeting Richelle I’m even more excited to read Spirit Bound!



  1. Great report! I can't wait for the spin-off, and I love all your signed books :)

    I met Richelle too last weekend, and she was lovely!

  2. Awesome event report! I am sooo jealous! I so wanted to go to this event, but was ill :( Oooh, I'm excited for Spirit Bound! :D

  3. OMG!!! Thanks for posting this! I cannot wait for Spirit Bound to come out! =0)

  4. sounds like you had a great time!! Must have been very fun to meet richelle in person!

  5. That's really cool! I went last week and Richelle was really nice and gave some really interesting info! x

  6. Wow sounds like you had a fab time. I adore autographed books and yours look fab!

  7. Aw, I love posts like this! Really glad you had a great time, and I love the pics!

  8. I hate when I miss a photo op, then remember my phone in my bag. I feel your frustration, but that was a good idea to take the cover pics anyway.

  9. Sounds like an awesome experience! :)

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  11. I have done something as equally "duh," I passed up buying a signed Maggie Stiefvater copy of Shiver.


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