CJ Flood’s debut novel, Infinite Sky, published by S&S earlier this year is one of my favourite reads of 2013. It’s beautiful, moving and deeply affecting. This woman has some serious talent and I’m very excited to what she gives us next.
The subject of travellers is a sometimes sensitive topic. What made you decide
to tackle it in Infinite Sky?
Irish Travellers are often the
target of a lot more open prejudice than other ethnic groups, and so I knew
their presence in the story could create a lot of conflict, which is at the
heart of all good novels. Because their presence sometimes stirs up strong
feeling in people, I thought it would be interesting dynamically too. I wanted
to create a more realistic/sympathetic/subtle portrayal that what is currently
appearing on our TV screens in the form of My
Big Fat Gypsy Wedding and that kind of thing, but mainly I wrote about
Travellers because I required a conflict around land to make my novel work.
The ending of Infinite Sky made me
cry on a train. What was the last book that made you cry?
Hurray, I love to make people
cry! I cry often during novels, so have probably cried loads recently. My
friend, Nathan Filer’s The Shock of the
Fall made me cry with happiness, which is quite a rare thing. And John
Corey Whaley’s When Things Come Back made
me cry too. Both stunning books, please read them immediately.

Thirteen was an interesting age
for me. I would still try and play children’s games, like imagining things, but
they were no longer satisfactory; I’d lost the knack. But I wasn’t quite ready
for the new interests – aka snogging/groping etc – and so I felt confused and
left behind and lonely a lot of the time. Also, typically, kids start to
separate from their parents around this age, and realise they are just human
beings like them. It’s an interesting time, for sure.
A few quick ones!
Favourite writing snack?
When I’m in Serious Editing
Mode, I live on packet noodles and Earl Grey tea. I need to think up more
snacks really, but I worry about getting fat, what with never moving.
Story world you want to live in?
Dark Materials. I
want a daemon so bad.
Current read?
I’m currently reading From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs Basil E
Frankweiler, and it’s magnificent.
Thank you so much Chelsey! And
thank you to Lucy of Queen of Contemporary for organising such a fantastic
tour! Now go and get yourself a copy of Infinite
Sky and check out all of the previous tops of the We Love UKYA! tour!
What a great interview! I absolutely LOVED Infinite Sky and I'm very much looking forward to reading more by CJ Flood :)