Friday 1 March 2013

Devil's Due - Rachel Caine

Pages: 329
Publisher: Harlequin Mira
Release Date: 2nd February 2013
Edition: UK paperback, purchased copy

Other Titles in this Series: Devil’s Bargain

The psychic world will never Ben the same again.

Lucia Garza is trapped in a supernatural power struggle. To save a friend she agreed to work for sinister psychic organisation The Cross Society. But after a death threat that almost succeeds, she’s starting to think they want her out of the way. Forever.

Worse, as Lucia uncovers the society’s most dangerous secrets, she discovers that she’s being used as a pawn between two warring paranormal factions. Caught in a battle no one can win, Lucia’s only choice could be to go against long-told prophecy to destroy both The Cross Society and its sworn enemies.

But what are the consequences of defying destiny?

I really, really enjoyed Devil’s Bargain so I was disappointed when Devil’s Due fell a little short for me.

Lucia’s narration didn’t quite sparkle in the way that Jazz’s did for me. Although she’s a great character, I didn't feel like I learned enough about her. It didn’t seem like she grew and developed enough throughout the novel. I was also really frustrated that we never found out what is was that Lucia did before she became Jazz’s partner after it was portrayed as such a scary, dramatic secret wasn’t revealed.

It was the fantastic relationships in Devil’s Due that saved it for me. the fierce sense of friendship and loyalty between Lucia and Jazz was brilliant and I could see a clear development in that from the first book but it stayed understated and fit with their personalities. I also really enjoyed getting to see more of Jazz and Borden as a couple – they’re brilliant. I also thought that the growing connection between Ben and Jazz as well. There was some serious chemistry between those two!

What really pushed me over the edge in to not really connecting with this novel the way I have with every other Rachel Caine novel I’ve read is definitely not completely knowing what was going on. By the final part of Devil’s Due the story was so convoluted and there was just too much going on and it wasn’t clear enough for me. I had no idea who was on which side and the whole The Cross Society versus Eiedolan really baffled me.

Although Devil’s Due wasn’t the best I’ve read from Rachel Caine by far, it definitely won’t put me off highly anticipated her other novels. In fact, I already have the next two Morganville Vampire novels pre-ordered...


1 comment:

  1. I have the first book in the Morganville Vampires to read but am not in a rush to read it just yet. I've heard great things about her novels, though, and will try and read something by her soon.
    I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it as much as some of her other stuff; it's not nice when that happens. Lovely review! :)


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