Tuesday 29 November 2011

2012 Contemporary YA Challenge - Completed!

As I’m hosting Contemporary YA Month in January, it seems only fitting that I participate in this challenge hosted by Katie’s Book Blog and Reading Angel.

You can sign up at either blog: KBB/RA. Here are the rules:

Level 1: 5+ books
Level 2: 10+ books
Level 3: 15+ books

You can read any contemporary YA novel that is published between January 1, 2012 and December 30, 2012 but you must read them in 2012! (All formats accepted: paperback, ARC, e-book)

Books included:
We have created a spreadsheet (organized by release date) for contemporary YA books published in 2012. If there is a book that is not on the spreadsheet that you know fits the guidelines, let us know and we will add it.  There is also a Goodreads list.  You can use either one.  Currently the spreadsheet has more books on it.


Goodreads list

If you have a contemporary YA book coming out in 2012 we would love it if you would participate. We would love it if you would be interested in donating swag/books or being featured here on Katie’s Book Blog or Reading Angel. If you are interested, fill out the form here! (You can also email me!)

Anyone who has a blog or a Goodreads where they can post reviews is eligible to participate. 

Why you should participate:
Contemporary YA is an awesome genre. Isn’t that enough of a reason?
If not, there will also be giveaways throughout the year as well as one grand prize giveaway at the end of the year. Does that motivate you? =)

How to sign up:
Create a list on your blog or Goodreads with your list of books. You can create a list of books that you want to read or start a blank list and add the books as you read them. Once you have created your list come back here and add it to the linky below! Make sure that you post it on the same blog/Goodreads that you are going to post your reviews on throughout the year.

Sign-ups end May 1, 2012”

Im going to go in at Level 3 and for my list I’m going to put on the ones I’m definitely reading for CYA Month and then leave the rest blank. Here it is:



  1. Thanks for signing up! You have some great books on your list. I really want to read Torn and Second Chance Summer. Happy reading and have fun with the challenge!

  2. This sounds great! I will sign up. I am a new follower. Looking forward to reading your reviews.

  3. I get so confused when it comes to the term Contemporary - so it doesn't have to be gritty just 'real'
    Nice choices :D

  4. Thanks for signing up!! Several of those are on my list too! Such a great year for contemps!

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