I've got the final stop in Susin Nielsen's UK blog tour! Her books We Are All Made of Molecules and The Reluctant Journal of Henry K Larsen are two of my favourite recent reads. Susin talks us through her literary influences:
Growing up, there were
two authors who really stood out for me: Paul Zindel and Judy Blume. They both wrote about teens in such a
realistic fashion. Blume in particular was a huge influence on me and on my
writing to this day. I still remember
reading Are You There, God? It’s Me,
Margaret, and feeling such a profound connection to Margaret. I feel deeply
indebted to Judy Blume for making me realize “I am not alone,” and that’s
something I try to do in my books now, too. Paul Zindel didn’t shy away from
tough subjects – for example, in My
Darling, My Hamburger, a character got pregnant and had to have an
abortion. I’m not even sure that book would find a publisher today. But these
authors really helped me negotiate my own teen years, and steered me toward
writing realistic YA fiction.

Lastly, there is
author Christopher Paul Curtis. I read his beautiful novel, Bud, Not Buddy, probably ten years ago
now, with my son. It’s a heartbreaking story, set in the Great Depression in
the US, and told through the eyes of Bud, an African American boy who’s lost
his mom. But it is also laugh out loud funny. CPC artfully uses first-person
narrative, and that allows for humor to seep in thanks to Bud’s perspective on
things. This book encouraged me to try my hand at my first YA novel, Word Nerd, which is also rather sad in
spots but leavened with humor thanks to a first-person narrative.
by Susin Nielsen will be published in the UK in October 2016.
Thank you, Susin! I can't wait for Word Nerd!
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