Monday, 30 July 2012

Nominate Your Favourite UKYA Novels!

With the recent announcement of the top 235 teen and YA books compiled by NPR to be narrowed down to the top 100, the lovely Keris Stainton noticed the lack of UKYA books making the list.

With this in mind she wrote a blog post where nominations are being received to find the top 100 UKYA books and we need your votes!

To make sure that your favourite UKYA novels make it on to the list, head over to the UKYA blog and nominate away!



  1. Hi! I just nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Click here for more info:)

  2. It was SO hard to choose my top ten for the NPR one, and even harder for the British one! So many awesome British YA titles!!!


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