Sunday 27 May 2012

In My Mailbox 117

This meme was started by the fabulous Kristi who was inspired by Alea. Check out their blogs for more information. All summaries are from the book jackets unless otherwise stated.

For review:

Throne of Glass – Sarah J Maas (ARC)

Meet Celaena Sardothien. Beautiful. Deadly. Destined for greatness.

In the dark, filthy salt mines of Endovier, a seventeen-year-old girl is serving a life sentence. She is a trained assassin, the best of her kind, but she made a fatal mistake. She got caught.

Young Captain Westfall offers her a deal: her freedom in retur for one huge sacrifice. Celaena must represent the Prince in a to-the-death tournament – fighting the most gifted thieves and assassins in the land. Live or die, Celaena will be free. Win or lose, she’s about to discover her true destiny. But will her assassin’s heart be melted?

Really looking forward to this one. Thanks, Bloomsbury!

Wentworth Hall – Abby Grahame

It's 1912 and the Darlingtons of Wentworth Hall have more than just their extensive grounds to maintain. They need to keep up appearances that things are as they have always been for one of England's most elite families...even as whispers of secret romances and bitter betrayals threaten their façade of perfection.

Maggie Darlington has a secret. And she's not the only one: The handsome groom, Michael, the beautiful new French nanny, Therese, even Maggie's youngest sister, Lila, are all hiding something. And when scandalous satires start appearing in the newspaper with details that closely mirror the lives of the Darlingtons, they are soon looking over their shoulders, worrying about whose scandal will be next - because at Wentworth Hall, nothing stays secret forever.

I’m so excited for this. It sounds a little like The Luxe which I’m a massive fan of. Thanks, S&S!


The Map of Time – Felix J Palma

London, 1896

Andrew Harrington is young, wealthy and heartbroken. His lover Marie Kelly was murdered by Jack the Ripperand he longs to turn back the clock and save her.

Meanwhile, Claire Haggerty rails against the confinces of Victorian society. She yearns for a time when she can be free to love whom she chooses – not just the type of man her family deems ‘suitable’.

But hidden in the attic of popular author and noted scientific speculator, HG Wells, is a machine that will change everything.

As their quests converge, it becomes clear that time is the problem – to escape it, to change it, might offer them the hope they need...

Me and my housemate went on a post-exam book shop and I caught sight of this and thought it sounded excellent.


Artemis Fowl – Eoin Colfer

Rumour has it Artmeis Fowl is responsible for every major crime of the new century.

Just twelve years old and already he’s a criminal genius, plotting to restore his family’s fortune with a spot of corruption and kidnapping.

Kidnapping a fairy for ransom, to be precise.

Artemis Fowl has discovered a world below ground of armed and dangerous – and extremely high-tech – fairies. But he may have underestimated their powers. They will fight back. Is the boy about to trigger a cross-species war?

Let the misadventure begin.

My previously mentioned housemate bought this for me. He was horrified that I hadn’t read it and didn't own it so he got me a copy. Knows the way to my heart, that boy.



  1. Throne of Glass has been around quite a bit today, I cant wait to hear what you think as it sounds amazing! Enjoy all of these!

  2. I just adore the cover of Throne of Glass - I can't wait to start reading it! And The Map of Time looks really good as well...

  3. Awesome haul! You're so lucky! I really want Throne of Glass!

    Happy reading! :)

  4. I'm expecting Throne of Glass next week, yay! :D enjoy your books they all look fab :)

  5. We haven't read Artemis Fowl either!

  6. I read Throne of Glass, it's very good.

  7. I literally gasped when I saw Wentworth Hall I WANT it SOOOOOOO bad! I haven't heard of The Map of Time before, but that is definitely going on my wish list! I hope you enjoy Artemis Fowl.. I remember liking it and recently go books 2-4

  8. Throne of Glass looks so cool! Love that cover :)

  9. Throne of Glass has a really kick ass cover ^_^ so cool.
    Hope you enjoy your books from this week. Happy Reading.

    Maura @ Monster of Books

  10. I love that Artemis Fowl cover.
    Happy reading, Sophie!

  11. I love that cover for Throne of Glass!

    Sweet books! Hope you enjoy it all :)

  12. Throne of glass :o Lucky you! Happy reading :D


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