Friday 25 April 2014

The Fearless, Emma Pass

Pages: 400
Publisher: Corgi
Release Date: 29th April 2014
Edition: e-proof, review copy

Other Titles by this Author: ACID

The Fearless. An army, powered by an incredible new serum that makes each soldier stronger, sharper and faster than their enemies. Intended as a force for good, the serum has a terrible side-effect – anyone who takes it is stripped of all humanity, empathy and love. And as the Fearless sweep through the country, forcing the serum on anyone in their path, society becomes a living nightmare.

Cass remembers the night they passed through her village. Her father was Altered. Her mother died soon after. All Cass has left is her little brother – and when Jory is snatched by the Fearless and taken to their hellish lair, Cass must risk everything to get him back.

ACID was one of my favourite books of last year; it blew me away, so The Fearless had a high bar to meet. I’d say it vaulted it.

I was immediately pleased to welcome back the little extras like emails and newspaper clippings that made Emma’s first novel stand out in the first place. I do wish they were a bit more frequent throughout the novel, however. It is possible that they were missed out though as I read an e-book proof copy. I hope these little extras become an Emma Pass trademark and feature in all of her novels in the future.

The Fearless delivers another strong, gutsy and endlessly relatable heroine in Cass. Her love for her little brother, Jori, and her determination to do whatever it takes to make him safe in a very unsafe and untrustworthy world. The quest to save a sibling is a tried and tested story arc that is guaranteed to garner a journey fuelled by emotion and riddled with danger – Cass’ journey across a Fearless infested England is no different. With the addition of chapters in the perspectives of Sol and Myo, all views on the world and the situation are explored and so much depth is added to the story.

There was a gorgeously slow and uncertain build of feelings between Cass and Myo throughout the novel. I loved the brief moments of a connection and the fleeting thoughts and wants that caused a lovely tension between them – it makes the moment when all feelings become clear so much more poignant. I thought the reactions to each other were realistic and nothing was exaggerated into disbelief or even annoyance. I championed Myo and Cass from very early on.

In only two books, Emma Pass has become one of my favourite authors. Her action-packed dystopias, characters worth fighting for and addictive and easy prose make for a winning cocktail of awesome for me. Do I really have to wait a whole year for another one?

Thanks to NetGalley and RHCP for the review copy.



  1. I reviewed this myself yesterday, it's a great book isn't it? I haven't read Acid yet, is it as good?

    Thea @ Gizzimomo's Book Shelf

  2. I've been umming and ahhing about this one. I loved Emma's last book but I'm feeling a little dystopia'd out at the moment and I'm not sure I can take another one. But it's Emma and I love her books!

    Great review though! :)


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