
Thursday, 11 August 2016

I'm addicted to collecting classics...

If you follow me anywhere on my social media, it won't be a surprise to you to hear that I’ve become completely obsessed with classics over the last year. Particularly collecting classics I want to read or have read in my favourite editions. These are some of them.

Penguin Clothbound Classics

These gorgeous, screen-printed, clothbound hardbacks were my first collection and the one I have the most of so far. I started collecting these back in 2014 and I have around 25. My favourites are Middlemarch, Villette and Madame Bovary. I really want the whole set, but I also know that I really shouldn’t buy the ones I already have…

Penguin English Library

These beautiful paperbacks come a close second to the Clothbounds. Mostly because they’re insanely beautiful AND affordable! I have around 25 of these and I've read shamefully few so far… I’m determined to get all of the ones I want as quickly as possible because they're starting to go out of print. My kingdom for copies of Daniel Deronda and The Wings of the Dove!

Penguin Modern Classics

These editions are sleek and modern and I love how they compare to the vibrancy of the Clothbounds and English Library editions they share a bookcase with. I love the clean, white spines; the blocky font and the bold photographs on the cover. Beautiful! I have around 15 of these in my collection. 

Vintage Classics

A photo posted by Sophie (@solittletimeforbooks) on

The Vintage red spine classics are my newest collection and I only have a few of these. They tend to be the editions I get if I can’t get them in the editions I’ve already mentioned. That sounds really bad, but I do love the cover designs of these editions and how varied they are, especially when an author’s works have a running theme.

Do you collect any editions?


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