
Thursday, 14 July 2016

Booktube: My Current Favourites

Way back in 2013, I wrote a post about this new, burgeoning thing called booktube and shouted about my favourites. Now booktube is well and truly at the top and I’m back to share even more of my favourites.

Three years on (almost to the day!), my reading has changed and expanded hugely, and so has my taste in booktubers. Here are a few of my current faves:

Monica from ‘shemightbemonica’

Monica lives in NYC, has crazy cool hair, even cooler dress sense and I love the way she talks about what she reads. She mostly reads YA, is a huge fan of fantasy and Patrick Ness and her set-ups always look amazing. I pretty much just want to be her.

Alysia from ‘Ex Libris’

Alysia was one of the first booktubers I can across that talked exclusively about classics. Now that I'm delving into them more, I love watching Alysia’s hauls, reviews and tags and learning about books and authors I've never even heard of before.

Amy from ‘shoutame’

Amy is one of the newest additions to my favourites list as I've only been watching her videos for a month or two, but I love the variety of the books she reads. There’s a mixture of literary fiction, classics and YA and her discussions about them are so intelligent and thoughtful.

Mercedes from ‘Mercy’sBookishMusings’

Mercedes reads so widely it makes my head spin. I rarely watch one of her videos without coming away with a list on books on my TBR that I’d never even heard of before. She’s a huge resource of info for short story collections, magical realism and indie publishers. Her videos are fairly long though, so make yourself comfy!

Elizabeth from ‘booksandpieces’

Elizabeth is just so cool, and I really love her voice. It’s a really crystal, southern English accent and it’s such a lovely change from booktube being mostly American. This whole channel focuses on fantasy and sci-fi and it’s another channel where I rarely know any of the titles mentioned, but I always go away wanting LOADS of them!

Sanne from ‘BooksAndQuills’

Sanne seems so lovely. Her videos are clean and sharp and perfectly short. Like lots of my other new favourites, Sanne reads widely, from YA to classics, general fiction to literary fiction. It’s also really interesting to hear from a booktuber who also works in publishing!

Darran from ‘ShinraAlpha’

Darran was already a badass blogger and bookseller before he started booktubing a few months ago. I love his videos. They feel relaxed and like sitting down and listening to a friend ramble about books. Lovely.

Tell me about your favourite booktubers, especially if they focus on more than just YA! I’m always up for recommendations.


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