
Wednesday 30 December 2015

2015: Reading Goals Wrap-Up

So it’s that time of year where I look back (through my fingers) on the challenges I set myself at the beginning of the year and see how I did!

Here are the challenges I set myself:

Read 125 books
Smashed it! I’m over 225…

Read more non-fiction – I’m thinking about 6
Woo! Doubled it! I actually really enjoyed all the non-fiction I read this year. I mostly read memoirs, a lot in audiobook, as that’s what appealed to me, but I may try and branch out even further in 2016.

Read 3 Shakespeare plays
Well, I’d completely forgotten about this one until I just looked back on the goals I set so nope, didn’t quite achieve this one.

Read what I want, when I want
I am really, really bad at this. I still feel very obligated and restricted to review copies, unfortunately, but discovering audiobooks in July has allowed me to read books I want to alongside review books, as well as reading multiple books at once.

Read a classic a month
I did it! I’m so pleased that I managed this! I actually read more than 12 as well which is brilliant. I read some biggies, some I should have read at school, some modern classics and I fell head over heels in love with some as well! Having Stacey from Pretty Books running the #2015ClassicsChallenge was great as I had someone to discuss my classics with. I highly recommend joining next year if that’s one of your goals.

Buy books in physical bookshops, indies when possible
I gave a good shot to this one! I went to lots of London events this year so I bought a lot in Foyles and Piccadilly, I fell in love with the NYC indies The Strand and Books of Wonder and discovered Wordery for buying books online as they aren’t affiliated with Amazon at all.

I kind of realised this year that actually my local Waterstones is pretty crap; it’s very rare that I actually find what I'm looking for in there.

Pop Sugar Reading Challenge
I did it! Most of the challenges I was able to check off with my normal reading, but a few required a special effort: book published the year I was born, a graphic novel, a Pulitzer Prize-winner and an author with my initials (I could only think of Scott Westerfeld and Sarah Waters!).

Actually read all of the glorious hardbacks I pre-order
Ah, well. Put it this way: I bought 12 books while I was out in New York in April and I’ve read a whole 3 of them… Whoops.

Read more fantasy
Though I didn’t read a huge number of fantasy novels, I read some big ones (in size and in name) and I loved most of what I read. It's definitely a genre I’ll continue to explore next year.

Re-read Harry Potter
Well, I read the illustrated version of Philosopher’s Stone so that’s better than nothing! I’m considering getting the audiobooks now they’re on Audible so I can finally re-read them.

A bit of a mixed bag, really, but I’m very pleased with how many books I read and how much I expanded in the genres I read, particularly with the classics, adult and non-fiction. I've discovered some favourites.

Did you set yourself any reading challenges for 2015? How did you do?



  1. Not too bad at all! And I'm joining you in the classics challenge so we can bug each other about reading!

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