
Thursday, 1 October 2015

Favourites: September 2015

Jenny Downham, Katherine Rundell and Annabel Pitcher at Waterstone’s Piccadilly
At the beginning of the month, Piccadilly hosted an event with these three Waterstone’s Children’s Prize winners, hosted by the lovely Phil Earle. It was a brilliant event. All four lovely authors were engaging, interesting and I love the way they interacted with each other as well as with Phil and the audience. They also read from each other’s novels instead of their own which was fun and refreshing. There was a huge group of bloggers, publishers and other authors at this event so it was the perfect catch-up opportunity and a chance to go out for dinner with a few of my favourites.

Oli Sykes liked my Instagram picture
Feel completely free to judge me on this one, but I posted a picture of the new Bring Me the Horizon album, That’s the Spirit, on Instagram when it arrived on release day and Oli Sykes, the frontman, LIKED MY PICTURE. I have an undying crush on this fine, tattooed young man so, naturally, I freaked out like a 13-year-old fangirl, screenshotted the notification, texted several people and posted it on Facebook. #noshame

The 100
Oh man, why did it take me so long to watch this?! I’m doing the Amazon Prime trial at the moment so I could watch Outlander (which I devoured in only a few days…) and decided to take advantage of it and watch season 1 of The 100 too. I AM IN LOVE. It was nothing at all like I expected, but in a good way, and I love the set-up of the world, the characters (Clarke and Bellamy *heart eyes*) and the fact that a bunch of delinquent kids are clearly better at forming a decent society than adults. LOVE.

An evening with Jandy Nelson
Waterstone’s Piccadilly have been on a roll with wonderful events lately! Jandy led a lovely evening talking about the process behind I’ll Give You the Sun – she wrote it completely in the dark! Writing Jude and Noah’s stories completely separately and then entwining them. She showed us pictures of inspirations and her adventures in research stone carving and cooking (for book three), answers lots of questions and did a very special reading. She brought Jim from YA Yeah Yeah up to read with her – it was rather brilliant.

How was your September?


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