
Wednesday, 22 January 2014

It's my fifth blogoversary! GIVEAWAY CLOSED

I can’t believe I’m even typing these words, but today is my fifth blogoversary. FIFTH. I

I’m incredibly proud of what I’ve built here and my love, respect and appreciation for the YA blogging community – bloggers, readers, authors, publishers – only continues to grow. I never imagined I’d make it this long, but now So Many Books, So Little Time and all of you guys are such a huge part of my life that I can’t imagine not continuing for the next five years!

So to say thank you and share the love, I’m giving away a £15 Amazon UK/The Book Depository gift card/money to spend and it’s INTERNATIONAL! Entries close 6pm GMT on February 5th.

Good luck!

EDIT: the winner has now been drawn and contacted. 



  1. 5 years is amazing :-) I've only just hit my first year blogoversary, I hope I'm still blogging in 4 years time. Here's to many more blogging years!

  2. Congratulations!!!! 5 years that's show how motivated you are ^^ i hope you will keep having pleasure reading and sharing with us for a long long time^^

    thank you for this generous giveaway too

  3. Congratulations on your blogoversary!

  4. Congratulations! Here's to many more years!

  5. Wow, Congratulations. I'm only a newbie, but I can guess how much dedication it takes. Long may it continue!

  6. Congratulations! Always a thrill to read what you have to say!

  7. Congrats Sophie. I'm glad you're my blogging anniversary buddy :)

    Here's to many more!

  8. Congratulations!! It's crazy (and awesome!) you've been blogging for so many years. Cheers and best wishes on your next year!

  9. 5 years is such an AMAZING achievement, well done you! I'm only 9 months in but loving it so hope to reach the milestone one day!

  10. Wow 3 years of blogging is great! Huge congrats and happy blogoversary

  11. Congratulations Sophie - I hope there's many more to come :)

  12. Happy Blogoversary to you, Sophie! I wish to you many many more years of blogging!

  13. Congratulations! I really love your blog so I hope it keeps going for many more years :-)

  14. Congrats xx and thank you for the giveaway

  15. Congrats on your 5th blogoversary. :D


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