
Friday, 7 December 2012

Artemis Fowl and the Arctic Incident - Eoin Colfer

Pages: 288
Publisher: Puffin
Release Date: 7th April 2011
Edition: UK paperback, review copy

Other Titles in this Series: Artemis Fowl, The Eternity Code, The Opal Deception, The Lost Colony, The Time Paradox, The Atlantic Complex, The Last Guardian

Criminal mastermind Artemis Fowl never stops scheming...

Artemis’s father has been missing for almost two years. His location? The Arctic Cirlce, where the Russian Mafiya are hlding him prisoner. Now Artemis must execute a daring rescue operation to get his father back.

But that’s not his only problem. Since abducting one of an underground race of armed and dangerous fairies, Artemis has become their prime suspect for any human wrongdoing. Elfin Captain Holly Short has accused him of supplying illegal human power cells (aka AAA batteries) to the goblin gangs. There’s going to be a terrifying uprising – but at least it will get Artemis away from his computer and he’ll meet some new people.

It’s just a pity most of them want to kill him.

Artemis Fowl and the Arctic Incident is just as fun and past faced as the first book. It was the perfect antidote to a week filled with deadline stress.

The mythology of the underworld is so fantastically drawn. All of the tiny details, connections to the human world and even their very own swear words makes Haven City a place high on my ‘Wish I Could Visit’ list. It’s a fully-formed world with a history, dynamics and very, very broad range of species.

That mythology and world-building is great and all, but without good characters to put in it, this book wouldn’t be half as enjoyable. Captain Holly Short is amazing. I love her spunk and eagerness to break the rules, Artemis is strangely endearing, Butler intrigues me, Commander Root makes me chuckle and I love Foaly’s sense of humour. They’re all brilliant.

There’s honestly nothing even vaguely negative I can say about Artemis Fowl and the Arctic Incident – it’s fantastically fast-paced and filled to the brim with action and near-death experiences. What more could you want?!

Next up is the third instalment of the series, Artemis Fowl and the Eternity Code. I’m looking forward to it!

Thank you to Puffin for providing me with a copy for review.


1 comment:

  1. I still haven't gotten around to reading his books, after reading this I will.


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