
Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Forbidden - Tabitha Suzuma

Forbidden – Tabitha Suzuma

Pages: 418
Publisher: Definitions/Random House
Release Date: 3rd June

Other Titles by this Author: A Note of Madness, From Where I Stand, A Voice in the Distance, Without Looking Back

‘You’ve always been my best friend, my soul mate, and now I’ve fallen in love with you too. Why is that such a crime?’

She is pretty and talented - sweet sixteen and never been kissed. He is seventeen, gorgeous and on the brink of a bright future. And now they have fallen in love. But…they are brother and sister.

Tabitha Suzuma’s Forbidden is probably the most intensely powerful novel that I’ve read in a seriously long time and I really don’t know where to start with this review.

Consensual incest is one of the most controversial subjects out there, and to be honest, I was extremely curious as to how the author would handle it. But, quite frankly, it blew my socks off. Lochan and Maya’s story is delivered beautifully, but in an artful, unflinching way that really captured my attention. All at once I was cheering Maya and Lochan on and feeling a little uncomfortable. The conflict between my heart and mind kept me on the edge of my seat for the entire novel.

All of the questions that would be asked about Lochan and Maya’s relationship, they asked themselves. And couldn’t answer them any more than an outsider could. But their situation is so different and something unusual was bound to stem from it. A closeness in age, running their household, being parents to their three younger siblings and having to work together made them much closer than a normal brother and sister would be. From this partnership stemmed a passionate, but tender, love that’s both so wrong and so right. It is incredibly moving and I found myself dreading the inevitable.

One of the most prominent questions was how incest could possibly be consensual. To ensure that Lochan and Maya’s relationship is perceived by readers that way, my favourite technique is used: dual narration. Strong, silent, Lochie and confident, chatty Maya were most definitely in love. And I, myself, fell quite in love with Lochan, too which made the ending so much more heartbreaking.

Forbidden is a truly extraordinary novel that should be a must read for everyone.

For my 2010 100+ Reading Challenge



  1. I'm totally reading this one! Great review! :-)

  2. What an amazing review. You have made me reconsider reading this.

  3. I REALLY need to read this one soon. Thanks for the review:)

  4. I couldn't get into this one when I tried it, but I'm going to give it another go soon. Thanks for an amazing review!

  5. What a lovely review. I've been wanting to read this book for quite some time already - I've heard so many great things about this book - your review definitely being amongst the best of them.

  6. Fab review! I have this on my reading pile and was flicking through it and came across a really engrossing, disturbing bit and ended up reading about 30 pages in the middle of the book! I think I'll like it :)

  7. YES! YES! YES! I'm loving this review. You're right it is artful and also painful. Oh, man I just think it is so incredible. I agree everyone must read it. Lovely review Sophie. It broke my heart too.

  8. Fab review i cant wait to get this it sounds to great

  9. If I didn't read this review, I would not want to read this book right now. The summary didn't interest me, but you make it sound amazing. I'm going to trust you and add it to my reading list.

  10. It didn't look at all like my type of book at first, but your review has utterly changed my mind. Thanks for the amazing review!

  11. I too am really eager to see how the author handles like you said, such a controversial subject. With every review I read of this book I want to read it even more.

  12. I think you've hit it on the head about the inner conflict you go through reading this novel. I guess that's why it works so well. Great review, Sophie.

  13. Consensual incest is honestly one of my squicks, but I've been hearing good things about this book, so maybe I'll give it a shot.

  14. HI! I didn't realise you were who you are when I met you at the Chicklish event. (I'm the girl who moved so you could sit next to Jo?)

    I've heard such interesting things about this book, that I feel like I really must read it!

  15. This will be the most challenging YA book you'll ever read due to the subject matter, but if you are up to it, you will read one of the most smartly written books in a long time. "Forbidden" is gut-wrenching, but hope against hope you wish for someone to take care of these abandoned children.


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