
Sunday, 7 February 2010

In My Mailbox 50

This meme was started by the fabulous Kristi who was inspired by Alea. Check out their blogs for more information. All summaries are from the book jackets.

For review:

The Diary of a Dr Who Addict - Paul Magrs

It’s the 1980s and David has just started secondary school. He’s becoming a teenager, while still hanging onto the rituals of childhood, particularly his addiction to Doctor Who: sharing the books with his best friend and neighbour, Robert, and watching the TV show.

But adolescence is as strange and alien to David as anything the good Doctor encountered, so he’s mystified when Robert begins to reject his hero in favour of girls, free weights and new music. Is it time for David to make a choice and move on too?

An evocative and moving portrayal of a boy finding his place in the world, set against a backdrop of Bowie, Blackpool and Breville toasters.

I actually love the Doctor Who TV show, so hopefully I’ll enjoy this too. Thanks, S&S!

Dark Secrets: Legacy of Lies & Don’t Tell - Elizabeth Chandler

Two girls haunted by the past…and destined to relive it.

In Legacy of Lies, Megan has to stay with the uptight grandmother she wants nothing to do with, she’s determined to get through the visit without any drama, but when she falls into a twisted love triangle with potentially fatal consequences, Megan may be caught up in her family’s legacy in more ways than she realises.

In Don’t Tell, Lauren knows that by returning to the town where mother drowned seven years ago, she’ll be reliving one of her most haunting memories. When she arrives, she is propelled into a series of mysterious events that mimic the days leading up to her mother’s death. Maybe her mother’s drowning wasn’t an accident after all…and maybe Lauren is next.

I really enjoyed Kissed by an Angel when I read it a couple of years ago so I think I’ll like this one a lot. Thanks, S&S!

If I Grow Up - Todd Strasser

“By the age of twelve, seeing dead folks was nothing new. The gangbanger who lay glassy-eyed in a pool of blood in the lobby. The lady who was stabbed…The crusty wino who froze to death…”

DeShawn lives in the Frederick Douglas Project where dropping out of school to join a gang is the norm, gunshots ring out on a regular basis and every kid knows someone who’s died.

DeShawn is smart enough not to want to join up - he knows that the cost of gang life is jail or an early death. But when some of his closest friends join and have money to buy whatever they want, while his family goes hungry. DeShawn starts to rethink his options. Could joining up be the end to all of his family’s problems, even if it’s just the start of his?

Another surprise from S&S. This sounds reminiscent of Kevin Brooks or Melvyn Burgess’s early books so I hope I’ll like it!

Nearly Departed - Rook Hastings

“I’ve seen a ghost,” said Emily. “Well, not seen one exactly. Heard one. At least, I think I have…”

Woodsville is not like other towns. Night falls a little earlier there, the shadows are darker and denser, and everyone knows it’s a place where strange things happen, even if they won’t admit it.

Bethan would prefer to be anywhere but here. Jay has his theories, but isn’t ready to share. Hashim sees more than he’ll say, while Kelly’s demons are all too flesh and blood. But Emily’s freak-out brings them out of denial and face to face with the supernatural.

Anywhere else, Friday night would be date night. But not in Weirdsville…

I’m really loving the sound of this one. I haven’t read a ghost story in ages. Thanks, Harper Collins!


Ghost Huntress: The Guidance - Marley Gibson

Kendall and her ghost hunting team are the talk of Radisson, Georgia, but one person isn’t so pleased.

Courtney Langdon doesn’t appreciate Kendall’s new popularity or her relationship with Jason, Courtney’s ex.

So Courtney begins dabbling in the paranormal world. At first it’s all a game to draw attention away from Kendall. But Courtney doesn’t know what she’s getting into. This is one game that’s about to turn deadly serious.

I loved the first book so I’m looking forward to this one.

The Iron King - Julie Kagawa

Meghan Chase has a secret destiny - one she could never have imagined…

Something has always felt slightly off in Meghan’s life, ever since her father disappeared before her eyes when she was six. She has never quite fit in at school…or at home.

When a dark stranger begins watching her from afar, and her prankster best friend becomes strangely protective of her, Meghan senses that everything she’s known is about to change.

But she could never have guessed the truth - that she is the daughter of a mythical faery king and is a pawn in a deadly war. Now Meghan will learn just how far she’ll go to save someone she cares about, to stop a mysterious evil no faery creature dare face…and to find love with a young prince who might rather see her dead than let her touch his icy heart.

I’ve heard fantastic things about this so hopefully it’ll live up to my expectations.



  1. Yay! They all look ace! I've ordered The Iron King too but it hasn't arrived yet:( I hope you enjoy all you books:)

  2. I'm looking forward to hearing what you think of The Iron King so many people are excited for that one. I got some of the others too. Can't wait to read Dark Secrets.

  3. We got the same review books - they all look pretty interesting. I'm getting more and more spooked by the cover of Nearly Departed (in a good way). I can't wait to read your review of The Iron King because I'm loving the sound of that one.

  4. Great books you got this week. So many of them look really good. Hope you enjoy reading all your books.

  5. You got the Irone King, that's so high on my wishlist! I just adore the cover, hope it's fun! Happy reading.

  6. Great books! I can't wait to read The Iron King! x

  7. The Diary of a Dr Who Addict = yay ! I'm a huge fan of Doctor Who ! Great books this week, happy reading !

  8. I'm curious about The Iron King. I hope I run into it at the bookstore.

  9. What a great load of books! I hope you enjoy them all.

  10. Nearly Departed sounds amazing - I cant wait to pick that one up...but you got lots of really awesome things there, enjoy them!

  11. Great haul! I received all the review copies too! I am so excited to read The Iron King at some point. Happy reading, and I look forward to your reviews!

  12. I am so excited to read The Iron King, I hope you enjoy it!

    What Book is That?

  13. Awesome picks! Nearly Departed looks good! The Iron King is fantastic! Happy Reading :)

  14. They all look so interesting! I love that cover for Nearly Departed,

    Hope you enjoy them all! :)

  15. I love Doctor Who, i think i might have to check thta book out.

  16. Great week!! Todd Strassers book sounds amazing, can't wait to read that one! :-) Also, The Iron King sounds like something I would love! can't wait for your review

  17. Great books, Nearly Departed looks really good and I also got The Iron King this week too.

  18. The Iron King does sound very good, so I hope you enjoy it. And the S&S books all look ace, here's hoping we all like them! :)

    Have a great week matey!

  19. Those all look good... you seem to have a ghost theme going this week. Always a good thing. :) I have the Iron King too, but haven't read it yet. Happy Reading!


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