
Friday, 11 December 2009

Cover News: Swapped by a Kiss and If I Stay

I've got some fabulous covers for you today! All links are to Amazon UK.

Swapped by a Kiss - Luisa Plaja (UK PB April 1st 2010)

The third book from the lovely Luisa Plaja! I'm very excited the read the sequel to her debut novel Split by a Kiss.

If I Stay - Gayle Forman (UK PB April 1st 2010)
I've already read this one, but this beautiful paperback cover will hopefully draw lots of attention so that many people read this amazing book.



  1. I love the uk cover for If I Stay.... It is much better than the us cover. This is an awesome book.

  2. Woah the paperback cover for If I Stay looks so gorgeous.

  3. I'm really excited about Swapped By A Kiss too!

    I've been thinking I need to check out If I Stay, and I love this new cover so I'm tempted to wait and get this one.

  4. The If I stay cover really appeals to me. Glad to hear the content is great!


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