
Friday, 20 March 2009

Destroy All Cars - Blake Nelson

Destroy All Cars - Blake Nelson (ARC)

Publisher: Scholastic Press
Release Date: May 2009

Other Titles By This Author: Girl, Paranoid Park, Rock Star Superstar, Gender Blender, Exile, User, Prom Anonymous, The New Rules of High School, They Come From Below

It’s time.
It’s time to destroy all cars.
It’s time to own up to the fact that we’re completely screwing up the planet.
It’s time to yell at the world.
And it’s time to deal with the ex that won’t go away.

James Hoff likes to ride against America’s consumerist culture. He also likes rail against his ex-girlfriend, Sadie, who he feels isn’t doing enough to change the world. She wants to build bike paths. He wants to overthrow the oil companies.

But just like James can’t avoid buying things, he also can’t avoid Sadie for long. They’re in for another crash - and whether you see them coming or not, crashed always hurt.

Meh. That's pretty much how i felt about this book. The characters were okay. The story was okay. The writing was okay. It wasn't bad, it just didn't jump out at me.

It did make me feel a bit guilty though. Lots of the environmental issues that the main character James brought up were things that don't often occur to me so I did feel like I should do more to help the environment. But that, however, only lasted while I was reading it.

I probably won't be reading any more of Blake Nelson's books in the future, but who knows? I might be convinced otherwise at some point.



  1. Sorry that you didn't seem to like it. Interesting title tho.

  2. Thanks for the review, this one sounds quite strange!


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