
Sunday 6 November 2011

In My Mailbox 101

This meme was started by the fabulous Kristi who was inspired by Alea. Check out their blogs for more information. All summaries are from the book jackets.

I went home last weekend and had plenty of packages waiting for me. I decided that I would put them into an IMM this weekend, but I forgot to write them down so only the ones I brought back to Bath will be included.

For review:

Torn – Cat Clarke

Four girls. One dead body.
A whole lot of guilt.

Alice King isn’t expecting the holiday of a lifetime when she sets off with her classmates on a trip to the Scottish wilderness, but she’s not exactly prepared for an experience beyond her darkest nightmares...

Alice and her best friend Cass are stuck in a cabin with Polly, the social outcast, and Rae, the moody emo-girl. Then there’s Tara – queen of mean. Powerful, beautiful and cruel, she likes nothing better than putting people down.

Cass decides it’s time to teach Tara a lesson she’ll never forget. And so begins a series of events that will change the lives of these girls forever...

Squee! I loved Entangled so I’m beyond excited for this. Thanks, Quercus!

Fracture – Megan Miranda (ARC)

By the time 17-year old Delaney Maxwell is pulled out of the icy waters of a frozen lake, her heart has stopped beating. She is officially dead. Then Delaney starts breathing... The doctors are mystified. But Delaney knows something is very wrong, even though outwardly she has completely recovered.

Pulled by sensations she can’t control, Delaney now finds herself drawn to the dying. Is her brain predicting death or causing it? Then Delaney meets Troy Varga. Is Troy a kindred spirit who somehow understands her weird and frightening gift? Or are his motives more chillingly sinister...

Love the sound of this. Thanks, Bloomsbury!

The Vampire Stalker – Allison van Dieppen

Amy is in love with Alexadner Banks. In fact, she’s obsessed with him. He’s brooding and handsome. He hunts vampires.

He’s perfect.

The only problem is, Alexander doesn’t exist. He’s a character in a book.

But, what if he showed up one day? What if he were somehow real?

Man, how many times have I wished fictional characters to life...? Thanks, Scholastic!

The Book of Blood and Shadow – Robin Wasserman (ARC)

From Amazon: It was like a nightmare, but there was no waking up. When the night began, Nora had two best friends and a boyfriend she adored. When it ended, she had nothing but blood on her hands. Chris was dead. Adriane couldn't speak. And Max, Nora's sweet, smart, soft-spoken Prince Charming, was gone. He was also—according to the police, according to her parents, according to everyone—a murderer. Desperate to prove his innocence, Nora's determined to follow the trail of blood, no matter where it leads. But Chris's murder is just one piece in a puzzle that spans continents and centuries. Solving it may be the only way she can save her own life.

Really excited for this and I get to take part in a blog tour for it in January. Thanks, Atom!

This is Not Forgiveness – Celia Rees (ARC)

She’s beautiful, impulsive.
And trouble.

He wanted her to notice him.
Can’t believe she did.

Back from Afghanistan. Wounded.
Secretive. Out of reach.
Except with Caro. He lets her in.

Over the course of one summer, their lives collide and entwine with dangerous results.

The brightest flame always leave the deepest scars.

So looking forward to this – I've never read Celia Rees before! Thanks, Bloomsbury.



  1. Wonderful books, Sophie! I've just finished reading The Vampire Stalker - I adored the idea behind it! And I think I need to pre-order Torn right now...
    Happy reading!

  2. The Book of Blood and Shadow sounds really interesting, can't wait to read your review of it. I can't wait to read Fracture, its been on my book to buy list as soon as it was put up for release next year.

    My IMM

  3. Yay I found another fellow UK book blogger :), great IMM and I'm a new follower.

  4. Oooooh Torn looks so pretty! I hope you enjoy it and everything else you got!

    Here's my IMM!

  5. Oooh I haven't heard of The Book of Blood and Shadow.. sounds good!!

    Michele | IMM

  6. wow, so many awesome reads!
    my first ever IMM!! stop by?!

  7. Great set! Fracture sounds really interesting. I want to read Vampire Stalker.

  8. I really want to read Torn, it sounds awesome. I also love the cover! Enjoy.

    Books of Amber

  9. I got Fracture last week I can't wait to dig into it! Wonderful mailbox!

    Xpresso Reads

  10. Oh, my love of covers allows me to really appreciate this haul. Truly some of the best covers! Enjoy!

    - Asher (from Paranormal Indulgence)

  11. Ok, I want Fracture and Vampire Stalker please! It sounds like us about Shane Collins! xXx

  12. The blood and shadow one looks and sounds amazing!! Must add it to tbr list. Enjoy!


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