
Friday 5 April 2013

Diary of a Mall Girl - Luisa Plaja

Pages: 269
Publisher: Curious Fox
Release Date: 15th March 2013
Edition: UK paperback, signed, review copy

“I’m not even exaggerating. My life is absolutely over. It’s official.”

The mall is the heart of fifteen-year-old Molly’s suburban town. Most teens hang around with friends there, get their first job there, and experience their first kiss there. And Molly? She actually lives there, in the complex’s residential wing.

But living in a massive shopping centre isn’t as much fun as it sounds. That is, until mysterious twins Jewel and Jasper move into the flat upstairs. Suddenly life is much more exciting – and complicated. Will Molly get what she wants, or will it all come crashing down?

Find out the whole truth in Molly’s private diary!

I read the first half of Diary of a Mall Girl when it was published as an interactive serial on Fiction Express so I already knew I loved it.

As with my first read, I instantly disliked Wendy and Ameera. They’re fickle with their loyalty, a little manipulative and I hated the way they treated Molly. Abandoning her at the first hint of an argument and as soon as she made friends with Jewel was incredibly childish – Jewel was definitely right about them. I was so glad when Molly eventually stood up for herself.

Behind the mystery of Jewel and Jasper and Molly’s on-going difficulties with Wendy and Ameera, Diary of a Mall Girl explored a variety of entangled crushes. The mix-and-match crushes were brilliant and something I definitely remember from being fifteen. The ever-changing minds and complicated crushes that could fade in days or stick for months demonstrated just how in touché Luisa Plaja is with teenagers. She really captures how confusing, frustrating and all encompassing it is.

I especially loved the back and forth between Molly and Jasper. All of the uncertainties, the misinterpretations and misconceptions and waiting for everything to be sorted out so they could kiss and make up put me on the edge of my seat. The way that their relationship grew steadily and realistically was so refreshing. I particularly loved that Molly didn't even realise she had feelings for Jasper at first; it happens that way a lot so I’m really glad it was portrayed in that way.

With spirited, engaging prose and Luisa Plaja’s trademark humour and heart, Diary of a Mall Girl is a sure fire hit.

Thanks to Luisa for signing and sending me a copy!



  1. I've read one of Luisa's other books and I love the fact that they're always so light and fun. I can't wait to read this!

    - Ellie at The Selkie Reads Stories

  2. Great review, I love Luisa's books and this one too! I agree with you about Wendy and Ameera, I really didn't like them at all either!

  3. I cannot wait to read this - it sounds fab (like all of Luisa's books :D)

  4. Every time I see reviews of this book it makes me more excited to read my own copy of it. Must get on and do that already..


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